Sistem Komputer 2kb01

Inquiry Letter and Order Letter

Okto Prasetiyo / 25110268 / 4kb01

Inquiry Letter Definition

A document requesting information sent on behalf of an individual or an organisation for their own respective purposes, which can be mutually beneficial to the recipient and the sender.

Surat Bisnis dengan Bhs. Inggris

Okto Prasetiyo I. / 25110268

Jenderal Soedirman Street, kav. 50, Jakarta – Indonesia
Web:, Phone (021) 8819608, e-mail:

September, 02 2013
Attn: Mr. Julius Cesar, the Director. Cc: Mr. Cleopatra, the Director of Marketing
Rome Enterprise
Pietra Papa, 00146 Roma

Dear Mr. Cesar / Mrs. Cleopatra
We would like to offer the following items.
Currency: $ 1 = Rp 10.000
Desktop Computer Lenopot
15 units
USD 1000
USD 15000
This items are available for order
Office Desk
15 units
USD 250
USD 3750
This items are available for order
Office Chair
15 units
USD 50
USD 750
This items are available for order
USD 19500

There are several notifications that you should concern about:
1. This quotation is valid for seven (7) days from the date of submission.
2. The above price include value added tax (10% of sales price)
3. Completion / Delivery date: 21st December 2013
4. The Payment will use bank to our account at 123456789 in Zurich Bank.
We hope our quotation could meet your requirement and if you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Sincerely yours,

Abdullah Bakrie

Ringkasan / Ikhtisar

Ringkasan adalah penyajian bacaan dalam bentuk singkat dengan mempertahankan urutan isi dan sudut pandang / memendekkan bacaan dengan mengambil inti sari bacaan itu tanpa mengubah struktur wacana.
Langkah – langkah membuat ringkasan bacaan :

Membaca bacaan atau karangan asli untuk mengetahui kesan umu, maksud pengarang,
Mencatat gagasan utama atau pokok pikiran dalam tiap paragraf,
Menyusun pokok pikiran atau gagasan pokok bacaan menjadi suatu paragraf atau lebih.

Ciri – ciri ringkasan :

  1. Memendekkan suatu bacaan,
  2. Bentuknya lebih pendek atau lebih ringkas,
  3. Struktural wacananya tetap tidak berubah sesuai dengan teks bacaan,
  4. Terdapat inti sari bacaan.